
The FND Pediatric Special Interest Group was founded in 2020 and is currently chaired by Meagan Watson, MPH, MBA. The Pediatric SIG was specifically established to ensure the unique needs of youth (i.e., school system) are incorporated into research initiatives, treatment development and global advocacy. The Pediatric SIG is organized into three working groups, each led by a dedicated clinician co-chair. As of November 2024, the SIG represents 160 multidisciplinary members from eight countries.

Working Groups

Community Awareness, led by Jason Kreuzman, OT – focused on general public awareness of pediatric FND. This working group collaborates closely with FND Hope Inc. Example deliverables to date include the FND Patient Roadmap and manuscript, The Current State of Pediatric Functional Neurological Disorders Treatment in the United States.


Clinician Education, co-led by Katelyn McNamara, PT and Morgan Habermel, PT – focused on improving clinician understanding of pediatric FND through online webinars, information sessions, Delphi surveys, and collaboration with other medical societies. Example deliverables include a webinar for school nurses and translation of existing materials into multiple languages. 

School Nurse Webinar:
FND & Me Teen Summit:

Treatment/Treatment Guidelines, led by Dr. Alison Wilkinson-Smith – focused on the development of pediatric FND treatment guidelines and consensus statements. Deliverables to date include the group’s advisement on Reset & Rewire: The FND Workbook for Kids and Teens and creation of setting-based guidelines for the use of adaptive devices for FND.

Workbook: Adaptive device guidelines can be provided upon request.

Time Commitment: The Pediatric SIG meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of every month at 12pm Eastern Time via Zoom. Attendance is highly encouraged but is not required.

Meeting structure: Meetings are 1-hour. The first 15 minutes are dedicated to general updates, announcements and discussion of complex cases. The remaining 45 minutes are spent in the working groups, making progress on deliverables. 

How to help pediatrics now:
FND Hope Youth/Young Adult:
Youth Peer Support Group:

For additional information and questions about this SIG, please contact:
Meagan Watson, MPH, MBA

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