
We invite you to join the Society.

Applications reviewed for acceptance typically within two (2) business days

Membership is available to different health professional groups including: physicians, neurologists, psychiatrist, psychologists, neuropsychology, pediatricians, nurses, allied health, social workers, rehabilitation, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, nursing professional, technicians, and research coordinators who have attained an advanced degree, professional qualification, or equivalent certification in a field of healthcare or science with relevance to patients with Functional Neurological Disorder.


  • Giving support to a new multidisciplinary professional society that wants to change the way the world learns and treats people with FND
  • FND educational courses targeted for different health professional groups, physicians, psychologists, allied health, social workers, rehabilitation, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, nursing professional, technicians, and research coordinators.
  • Over 60 hours of 'on demand' lectures from the FNDS 2022 meeting in Boston and the 2017 meeting in Edinburgh
  • Over 40 hours of FND webinars and past workshops covering most of the field
  • Member curated resource library
  • FNDS Member Newsletters
  • Member Directory to contact others with FND interest
  • Opportunity to be included in the online Referral Directory
  • Opportunity to participate in the work of FNDS committees
  • Registration discount to the biennial international conference
  • Mentorship Opportunities


Dues Structure

Medical Practitioners and Psychologists

Dues: $150 USD annually - Apply Now

$75 USD - Reduced Fee for Member Applicants from Lower-Income Countries - Apply Now
Please refer to the FNDS list of Lower-Income Countries to see if you are eligible.

Allied Health

Applies to physical and occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, nursing professionals, technicians, research coordinators, etc.

Dues: $75 USD annually - Apply Now

$38 USD - Reduced Fee for Allied Health Member Applicants from Lower-Income Countries - Apply Now
Please refer to the FNDS list of Lower-Income Countries to see if you are eligible.


Open to individuals in training for an advanced degree, professional qualification, physician sub-specialty training, or equivalent certification in a field of healthcare or science with relevance to patients with Functional Neurological Disorders. First year is free; each year thereafter $50 USD. After training is complete, each year will be either $150 or $75.

Dues: $0 USD first year; $50 USD annually after first year while a trainee. - Apply Now


Open to Regular and Allied Health members who have retired from paid work. Retired Members retain their voting privileges.

Dues: $50 USD annually. - To apply for Retired membership send an email to stating that you are retired from paid work and would like to change your membership to that of Retired Member.

Group Membership

FNDS offers a discount for groups of 10 or more individuals from the same institution. If you are interested in a discount for group membership please inquire at for details.

Membership Dues Cycle

The Membership Dues cycle is January 1 - December 31.
If you join FNDS in October, November, or December, the membership term includes the following calendar year.

Community Access

The Community Access option provides access to all recorded webinars. Only for those who are not eligible for FNDS membership.

Fee: $50 USD annually. - Apply Now

The Community Access cycle is January 1 - December 31.
If you sign up in October, November, or December, the term includes the following calendar year.


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