2026 Program Committee

Selma Aybek, MD
University of Fribourg

Sudhir Kothari, MBBS, MD, DM
Poona Hospital and Research Centre

Local Host
Stephen Reich, MD
University of Maryland School of Medicine

Barbara A. Dworetzky, MD
Brigham and Women's Hospital



Dara VF Albert, DO, MEd
Nationwide Children's Hospital

Sepideh Bajestan, MD, PhD
Bruce W. Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Gaston C. Baslet, MD
Bruce W. Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Marialuisa Gandolfi, MD, PhD
University of Verona

Christian Geroin, PhD
University of Verona

Laura H. Goldstein, PhD, MPhil, FBPsS
King's College London

Mark Hallett, MD
National Institutes of Health

Coraline Hingray, MD, PhD
Nancy Regional and University Hospital Center

Ingrid Hoeritzauer, PhD
NHS Lothian and University of Edinburgh

Alexander C. Lehn, MD
Princess Alexandra Hospital

Sarah Christine Lidstone, MD, PhD
Toronto Western Hospital

Julie B. Maggio, PT, DPT, NCS
Massachusetts General Hospital

Clare M. Nicholson, OT
The National Hospital For Neurology and Neurosurgery

Glenn Nielsen, PhD
St. George's University of London

Sanjay Pandey, MD, DM
Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research

David L. Perez, MD, MMSc
Massachusetts General Hospital

Ginger Polich, MD
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Tyson Sawchuk, PhD, RPsych
University of Calgary

Masahiro Sonoo, MD, PhD
Teikyo University School of Medicine

Jon Stone, MBChB, FRCP, PhD
University of Edinburgh

Ryan Van Patten, PhD
Brown University

Felipe Vial
Instituo Nacional de Movimientos Anormales (INMOV)


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