Virtual Education Course
Functional Neurological Disorder: Psychological Treatment 101
Register Here
Course Description
This educational, "on-demand" virtual course provides an up-to-date review of psychological assessment and psychological treatment modalities in functional neurological disorder (FND) across adults and children / adolescents. The 15-precorded lectures were developed by leaders in the field. The presentations cover recommendations for a practical clinical approach, discussion of underlying principles, illustration by clinical vignettes and, when available, a brief review of the existing evidence. Topics include:
- Psychological assessment and formulation;
- General principles of psychotherapy for functional seizures;
- Brief psychoeducational interventions and self-management;
- Working with families;
- General principles of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for FND;
- CBT for functional seizures (the CODES approach);
- Prolonged exposure for comorbid functional seizures and post-traumatic stress disorder;
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for FND;
- Integrative mindfulness therapy for FND;
- Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) skills training groups for FND;
- Psychodynamic and relational aspects of treatment in FND;
- Hypnotherapy for FND;
- Challenges in the psychological treatment of FND;
- Psychological approaches in children and adolescents: retraining and control therapy (ReACT);
- Psychological approaches in children and adolescents: biopsychosocial systems framework.
Additionally, there will be a 90-minute live webinar and panel discussion (that will also be recorded and become part of the overall "on demand" viewing package) that will review psychological treatment in FND illustrated through interactive case discussions.
Course Format
This virtual educational course will be offered using an "on demand" format. What this means is that those who register will have access to the 15 pre-recorded talks for a 60-day period. Additionally, the live 90-minute webinar held on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 11:00 am Eastern Time (4:00 pm UTC) will also be recorded. Afterwards, the recording of the webinar will become part of the overall "on demand" course content.
Presentation Format
The course consists of 15 video presentations, each lasting 20-40 minutes when played from beginning to end. In a few cases, the speakers have decided to use mp4 format, which plays like a conventional video recording that can be stopped and started as needed. In others, the speakers have provided a PowerPoint show; these can be played liked conventional videos as well but offer the viewer greater flexibility to navigate back and forth, and to replay the video content of specific slides if preferred. This can be done by using the arrow keys and/or by hovering the mouse over the speaker’s face and using the controls as needed.
Target Audience
Any clinician who provides psychological therapies for patients with FND, including (but not limited to) psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychological therapists, psychotherapists, nurse practitioners, neurologists and any other physicians or allied health professionals.